Color Ray Frequencies
H E A L I N G - A R T - P R O G R A M S - CARDS
Color Ray Frequencies
H E A L I N G - A R T - P R O G R A M S - CARDS

It is all about connecting
It is all about connecting
a 4 week one-on-one journey for you! and only you!
'Let's connect to that beauty hidden inside of you.'
Can you imagine living from love….
From a loving and peaceful place and feel at ease and happy?
I can tell you it is Amazing!
You can have this to! You don't have to become anything.
It is already inside of you! You already are Love!
You just simply need to remember and say: YES!
Yes to Your Self and to your journey!
Let uncover what is hidden within!
Are you realizing more and more that there is more than just this human life?
You are not exactly sure what it is but you want to know, do or explore more.. (REALIZING) to feel it.
Are you on the beginning of your spiritual journey?
You know and feel the light that you are inside you but you can’t seem to find the way to get more in contact with this light and
stay connected to it.
Are you already aware of the beauty that is within and surrounding you?
Ycould have some guidance, you're finding it hard to stay in this connection (CONNECTING)
Are you aware of being very open, high sensitive and picking up energies/feelings from others?
And you don’t know how to deal with it (PROTECTING)
Are you just looking for other ways to find a deeper connection and a daily routine?
Then this is the perfect journey for you!
REALIZING you are more than this human body is the first step of CONNECTING to all you are!
Once you connect things will start shifting.
I am offering you a way back to the LOVE & PEACE that you are and life your lives purpose!
It would be my honor to guide you on this amazing journey:
Take my hand and let's start Rediscovering, Restoring, Reconnecting to YOU and the LOVE & PEACE that you are!
Are you ready to:
- Find your way back the love and light within you?
- Connect to that love and light that you already are?
- Build a daily routine that you can easily do?
- Learn and apply tools to keep you centered and connected to the peace within?
- Feel the difference between your energy and the energy of others and protect yourself from these?
By doing this you will definitely:
- Give you MORE ENERGY.
- Create MORE PEACE in your life and your day to day activities.
- Bring you MORE CLARITY on who you truly are.
- Make you MORE CONNECTED with all you are and all there is
- Bring MORE PEACE by letting go of control and expectations, You can just be.
- Give you the LOVE and COMFORT you have always been looking for
- Let you be MORE UNDERSTANDING, with yourself and the people and situations around you.
- Make you MORE CENTERED and therefore know how to ease your thoughts
It would be my honor to guide you on this amazing journey:
Take my hand and let's start
Rediscovering, Restoring, Reconnecting
to You and the Love & peace that you are!
Giving your self this amazing gift is saying YES!
To you! More of you! All of you!
to your amazing journey, discovering all that is inside you!
Let’s create the time you need and give your Self the love and attention you deserve!
By spending time with your Self, loving your Self and finding out more about your Self, who you are, what your desires are, your truth, what you love.
You will create happiness, joy, Self love and Self care and you will have more energy!
Price & Specials
Price & Specials
During your beautiful 4 week journey you will get:
- A beautiful energetic save and secure space we work in.
- I am here for you! I love to help you, guide you, assist you! At any time message me!
-1 x 60 minutes intake zoom video
-1 x Alignment session – 30 minutes (from a distance- scanning chakra’s/energie /field etc)
-2 x reiki sessions – 40 minutes (from a distance)
-3 times (weekly) 1:1 60 minutes Zoom meetings to talk about your week and where you need help/ Where are you feel blocked - intuitive healing.
- 1 x 90 min color energy healing session (Zoom)
- A beautiful piece of art from the colour healing (flat canvas 25x25cm)
Pay in full
Pay in full
€ 600,-
€ 600,-
With extra's!
When you pay in full you will receive some beautiful BONUSSES:
- Info sheets about chakra's, colors and meaning
- Worksheet how to work with healing prayers
- Workbook journal the journey
- A personalized journal (A5) (send to you with your art piece)
- 2 x Guided meditation
Price is including shipment in NL
- if you choose a larger canvas, the price goes up and the postal costs are yours.